August 17, 2018
This fun event will be held on Friday, August 17th at Diamond Woods Golf Course located west of Junction City.
The start time is 8:00am with registration and driving range open at 7:00am. Price is $100 per individual ($400 per team) and includes carts, driving range and taco bar lunch after event. $40 of each individual registration/ $160 per team registration goes directly to your program. There will be prizes awarded for best over all team score, as well as; individual skill awards given out.
We still have the opportunity to secure individual sponsors for each hole for $100 each. The sponsor will have their company name (or if a family wants to sponsor a hole) the family's name, displayed at the tee-off area of a particular hole. At the conclusion of the golfing, there will be a taco bar lunch supplied for all golfers, as well as; a raffle for some souvenir South Eugene items! This will be a great way for our families to share in a fun and relaxed atmosphere.
Contact Dave Hancock
SEHS Athletic Director
Office: 541-790-8019
Cell: 541-517-6117